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Law Of Attraction



Law of Attraction

" Every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our future, it's as though our thoughts go out into the universe and are accepted and are brought back to us as experience.

If you can accept the fact that every time you think a thought and every time you speak a word you are literally painting your future, you are creating, and you're creating your own life.

This is simple, but it's not easy to accept.

Once you accept it then you can start to deliberately create more of what you want in your life, and you begin to be aware of what you don't want in your life and how you are contributing to it.

Now I think this has been around for ever, but for some reason in the last 20 years the universe has wanted this to go out to all the people, or all the people that are ready for it.

Most of us just think, think, think, think, think, think and we don't pay any attention to what we're thinking, but that's something you need to train yourself to do. Train yourself to be aware of what you're thinking." Louise Hay

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